5 Easy Ways to make Money through Gaming in 2023

Make money through gaming may sound like a fantasy but it is actually true. And guess what, if you play your cards right, you could even become a millionaire.

Gaming is probably one of the biggest industries in the world today, and it will continue to grow in 2023 and the years following it.

However, it is easier said than done. As big it is, it is equally competitive and it would take one hell of an effort to break into this industry. Remember, there are big players out there and you’d be just another fish in the pond.

Earning your primary income by playing games is not something we’d recommend unless you are young, single, and willing to commit several years knowing that it may all be for nothing. But it’s certainly possible!

Here are some easy ways you can start earning money through gaming


1. Live Streaming

Live Streaming is the most popular way of making money through gaming. Once you have a large audience to cater to you can monetize your stream with ads or other sources such as donations and paid subscriptions. The biggest platform for streaming is Twitch, but these days YouTube is also an option.

In order to build a famous live stream with millions of viewers you’ll have to be patient and play your cards smartly. You will have to play the most popular games that people like watching others play. You will have to make your streams presentable and interesting to keep your audience engaged. It may take some time for your to build your stream so you’ll have to be consistent and stick to the process.

Fortunately, the barrier to entry for streaming is relatively low. All you need is a decent computer, some games that viewers want to watch, a fun personality, and streaming software. Make sure your internet upload speed is fast enough to handle the stream, in addition to having a powerful enough PC for whatever games you’re playing.

2. Video Games Journalism

Here is another option, just in case you fancy writing or blogging. You could either join a well established video game journalism website or publisher full time or be a freelance writer and write articles and blogs for other websites and publishers. If writing for an existing site, you can get paid on a per-article basis as a freelancer. If starting your own site, you can monetize your traffic with ads, Patreon subscriptions, or similar.

Other than that, you could even start your own video game journalism website, and start publishing articles. However, we don’t recommend launching your own games journalism site until you have several years of experience writing for an established site. Writing day in and day out is hard enough. Managing a site on top of that? That’s a whole new level of effort that can easily lead to burnout.

3. Gaming Guides and Tutorials

A lot of new gamers like to go through the gameplay guide and tutorials, especially for multiplayer player-versus-player (PvP) titles. Hence, there a market for this profession as well where you could make money by providing game guides and tutorials

Though you could go for any of the several streams for gaming guides, we’d suggest you to either start your own game guide website or YouTube channel. They can be very easily monetized with ads, donations, sponsorships and more.

Find a popular game, figure out what players are having trouble with, learn the ins and outs of that problem, then teach others how to overcome it themselves.

Also Read: Crypto Gaming can make you earn money

4. Gaming YouTube Channel

In today’s time and age, this is probably the most popular career option for all the gamers out there. Why? Because it gives you jump start which, if you are smart could take to a different level. Once you have gained popularity as a famous Gamer YouTuber and created a personal brand for yourself, you could turn that into a successful business or venture other than YouTube.

You could start your own game developing company, or you could venture into some other game related businesses like sponsorships, e-sports organizer, game store, and so many more.

You’ll need to build a sizeable audience before you see any revenue. Your show must be compelling enough for people to tune in. If it’s boring, shallow, has poor production quality, or is inconsistent, the show won’t succeed.

You could dedicate a channel to gaming news about a specific genre, for example. You won’t have to entertain people live for hours, but you still need to commit to a regular schedule.

5. E-Sports Tournaments

Tournaments are commonplace for PvP titles, like fighting games. Of course, the more popular the game, the larger the prize pools become. If you’re skilled enough to join an esports organization, you may be able to earn a livable salary through winnings and sponsorships. Most competitive gamers also take advantage of live streams (#1) for additional income.

Find a popular PvP game with lots of tournaments and heavy interest from esports organizations. Practice, practice, and practice some more. As you get better, network with other professional gamers to get your name out in the open. Consider starting small with local tournaments for popular games, like Super Smash Bros. or CS: GO.


Gone are those days when gaming was just source of entertainment and a way to escape the reality and calm your mind from all the stress around. The gaming industry being one of the biggest industry in the world that continues to grow will have better and more advanced technology in the future. Thus, making it as a fantastic career option.

You could be a game engineer, animator, technician, player, developer or producer, there is room for everyone and anyone who wants to become rich with associating himself to the gaming industry in any capacity whatsoever.

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