God of War Ragnarok settings for best gameplay

The most awaited game of the year, God of War Ragnarok has at last launched. The action-adventure game is the sequel to the 2018 title God of War and also happens to be the fifth game of the popular series among PlayStation owners. Be it the story of the gameplay, fans have all the reasons to simply love this PlayStation exclusive.

In the past couple of years, Sony has started giving players more flexible options various options to enhance, improve or simply change graphic and gameplay settings as per their requirement. God of War Ragnarok is no different and gives players a fantastic accessibility menu allowing them to customize their experience at any time to suit their needs. If you’re someone who doesn’t give two cents about that, then you might assume that you can ignore that menu altogether. While you do not make any changes and still have a great time, there is no denying that several settings may make the game even better in subtle ways.

Here are some changes that may enhance your experience of playing this beautiful game.

Source: PlayStation


Turn off Auto Pick Up

You must not turn on Auto Pick Up. You can access it from the gameplay menu and switch it off in case its on by default settings. It allows Kratos to automatically grab items when walking near them, which makes the game look like 10 years old plus it has other issues as well. Usually, you’d have to keep tapping a button to grab health, resources, and other items which could be a headache when you’re trying to grab a healing item mid-battle, but can’t quite get in the right spot to grab it. If you switch it off , you won’t be auto-grabbing health or rage making sure none of gets wasted.

Another thing about this option is that it gives two kinds settings: Essential and Essential+. Where Essential will help you pick up health and rage increasing items, Essential+ lets you grab pretty much everything.

Switch On Puzzle Aim Assist

Comepared to the 2018 God of War, GOT Ragnarok has a lot more puzzles, which may get extremely exhausting for some. Many of the se puzzles follow the same few rules, like slamming your ax at different objects such as bells or reflective surfaces. Sometimes, when you are dealing with smaller objects these puzzles may get a little frustrating. For that, you may wanna go to the Gameplay tab and toggle Puzzle Aim assist on. This option locks on to a puzzle target.

And if that is not it and you are looking for some more help with puzzles, there are a few other great options. For example, when dealing with puzzles which have to completed within a specific time a Puzzle Timing tool might help. This can help you get through some annoying situations where you know exactly what to do but can’t quite execute fast enough.

Navigation Assist has to on

A navigation assist tool allows you to point the camera towards the direction of your objective. If you are an explorer who likes to move around exploring the open world of the game then you might float away from you main target. You may need this get back to your objective. You can enable this one from the Gameplay menu.

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Enable Traversal Assist

God of War Ragnarok is way more adventurous than all the previous games of the series, and has a lot to explore. This means you’ll be climbing over objects or chains very often. This mean a lot of button pressing. Turning on traversal assist may cut down a lot of unnecessary efforts while automatically allowing Kratos to vault, mantle, descend from ledges, and jump over gaps without pressing a button. If you wanna go even more laid back, then enabling Auto+ cuts down on even more button presses, taking care of crawls and climbs.

God of War Ragnarok is out now on PS4 and PS5.

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